EEG Versatile 16ch
Latest documentation
About EEG Versatile 16ch
The semi-dry EEG caps with 16 channels are mobile EEG devices for real-time recording. They are designed for versatile monitoring in a wide range of environments, providing great comfort to the researcher and freedom of movement to the user.
Main features
- Mobile and wireless comfortable technology that is fast and easy to set up and wear. Can be integrated with eye tracking, VR, and many other technologies.
- Sensors moistened with tap water. Up to 6+ hours of continuous recording.
- Flexibility as electrodes can be placed anywhere in the International 10-10 / 10-20 system from infants to adults.
- Developed with highly stable contacts and active shields that allow reliable and precise monitoring even in ambulatory conditions or in the presence of electromagnetic noise.
- Perform clinical research, new neurorehabilitation therapies, or assessment of interventions based on EEG patterns.
- Combine EEG correlates with other signals, innertial measurement unit (IMU), photodiode and digital input.
Download the sample dataset using this link
The dataset comprises two minutes of open-eyes, a marker, and two minutes of closed-eyes.